We are humans. When the going gets tough we have three choices; fight, flee or stand in our power and learn how to lead the changes we long for. All of them take effort, but one produces the sustainable changes we really want.

If  “The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting new results,” what is the definition of sanity?

I am human. I have stood at the seemingly hopeless crossroads of fight or flight, feeling stuck as I pondered the question ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ many times. Today, I am grateful for all of those experiences. They led me to learn and grow into what I now know, breathe and live every day – a magical and challenging, meaningful life full of love. My challenges, I now see, are opportunities to fulfill my life purpose.

“My life purpose is to learn how to find, grow and expand love within myself and then express it in the world, as only I can.”

When the going gets rough, do you have what it takes to grow through the situation and lead your life forward into what you really want? The answer is YES! You have led positive changes many times before. The problem is, we often are not aware of what we are doing that is right. Instead we focus on what is not working and how to “fix” it.

Think of one of your past successes. What was your part in it? What were you thinking, doing or saying that caused things to move forward? My guess? One thing you did before things started turning around is you made a decision.

With your current challenge, are you going to continue to focus on and battle, the ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ question – or are you ready to choose the third response: decide to learn and grow through this one?

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

The decision to learn and grow makes your next decisions easier. It will support you in moving forward, lessoning the fear and impact of mistakes and heightening the fulfillment of each success along the way to your improved reality.

ABOUT Patty…..

Patty Jackson is a life coach, spiritual counselor, instructor and stress management specialist. She has a unique ability to help people hone in on what is truly going on and support them in powerfully creating change.

The author of two books and life coach training curriculum, Patty has trained hundreds of life coaches and has been featured as a human empowerment and relationship expert at corporate/church events, on tv, radio… Read More

Patty offers online: 1:1 coaching, classes and group coaching.